Monday, April 23, 2018

Newswire Article: TOM Review

Hello Friends! As I was sharing some more posts with friends today about TOM, I found this article from Newwire and wanted to share it ...

Newsire Article

Monday, April 16, 2018

When Life Goes Full Circle, Read TOM

A collaborative work between father and son, with author credits belonging to Thomas Coryell.

Seventy years in the making, TOM is a story worth the short, 143-page read. Laughter, tears, joy, regret, triumph, and tragedy, it’s all here in this remarkable tale of one man's life and his amazing full-circle moments. It is centered upon the very idea that events and people are not coincidental at all. There absolutely is meaning, deep meaning. A Higher Power has been at work right in the middle of Tom’s life from the beginning, accomplishing a purpose. God’s mantle of protection has prevailed.

Is life by design? Do things happen on purpose? Could it be that the events happening all around us, and the people who cross our path every day, are intentional? Is there a plan for it all?

For those of us with spiritual faith, those answers are easy. Believing in a higher power, and in divine intervention, is a core value to a vast number of people all across the world. It often helps us answer the hard questions that comes with the toughest of things that life can throw at us. One of those tough questions is … Why? Why do bad things happen? Why do they happen to good people?

Picture an average-sized man, not quite 6 feet tall and barely 170 pounds. He’s 70-something, with silver-white hair and a face well-lined with age. Now imagine the character and personality of an excited kid telling you about the biggest fish he ever caught. Put those 2 images together in your mind and you have Tom. That guy wants to share his story with you, and he wants you to know it’s all true. This is not a work of fiction designed to entertain you. These things really happened, and people’s lives were touched.