Wednesday, May 2, 2018

From the book ...


Tom turned 20 in July of 1966 and had just been promoted into a Foreman position at his job with Riviera Kitchens. He was doing such a good job for them that they offered to move him to their brand-new facility in Minnesota. This was unheard of at the company. Promotions and management-level re-locations were reserved for tenured, senior staff. This was a just a kid who was moving up the ladder quickly. Tom moved across four states, with his even younger wife Isabelle (18), and infant son Danny (about one).
Tom recalls the first couple of weeks there, “We stayed with one of the plant managers, Bill … another Bill! He had 11 kids! Can you imagine? Talk about a ‘Peyton Place”!
Those of a certain age will get that reference, but that was Bill’s home. Tom and Isabelle shared a couch. With only one bathroom in the house, Bill made sure to tell them, “Do yourself a favor and get up early before the girls do or you’re not going to get in there”!
Tom recalls with a laugh, “I sure learned how to hold things”!


Who remembers "Peyton Place"?

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